About Us

Unity House focuses on the academic, cultural, personal, and social needs of our members while providing an atmosphere on campus that promotes diversity. We are aimed at finding ways to help ALANA members find their way at RIT but we welcome anyone who is interested in learning about different backgrounds as well. It is our goal to nurture the growth of students on campus so that they can succeed academically while becoming influential leaders. Several members of Unity House have become leaders in many RIT clubs and organizations. They include, but are not limited to, Student Government (SG), the ALANA Collegiate Association (ACA), Global Union, and many Greek lettered organizations.
Our motto, "One House, One Love, One Family," adresses the three key goals that we strive to provide for our members. One House. As a diverse and unique community, we are united on all fronts. By educating the people in our community, as well as the ones outside, we ensure that everyone is well informed about the backgrounds of others which makes it easier for us to stand together. One Love. As a SIH, we love to see all of our members succeed in different aspects of their lives. Academically, personally, or professionally, we are here to guide you through it all. One Family. Unity House can serve as a "home away from home" for many students. The bonds that you form with other members will last more than a lifetime. You can always feel the love shared between UHouse members as well as an endless sea of people waiting to support you at every turn.
Becoming a Unity House member gives you the oppurtunity to build long lasting relationships with students and faculty memebers while expanding your horizons through campus involvement.